
2014-09-25 19:27:15















马斯特罗贝拉尔迪诺(Mastroberardino)——坎帕尼亚最著名的酒庄,位于意大利西岸阿特里帕尔达(Atripalda)镇内的一家家族企业,被公认为坎帕尼亚葡萄酒遗产的守护者。酒庄一直以来使用当地最优质的葡萄制作美酒,选用的葡萄种类有Aglianico, Fiano, Piedirosso, Greco, Falanghina和 Coda di Volpe。酒庄由Pietro di Mastro Bernardino创建于18世纪50年代,在他之后的10代人均是家族酿酒师。





媒体关系:The Blenders Communications
莫琳小姐 –monica.molinari@theblenders.com.cn
徐睿小姐 – rui.xu@theblenders.com.cn



Campania Region shows its footwear Excellenceat theMICAMshanghai

【FENGSUNG.COM News】 24th September 2015,26 companies from the Italian Campania Region are participating to the 4th edition of theMICAMshanghai, the leading footwear and leather accessories exhibition in Asia that is taking place at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre from 24th to 26th of September.
theMICAMshanghai represents one of the most important bi-annual appointments for all the footwear aficionados as well as trading professionals and buyers in the shoe industry. It features a display of the best Collections for the next 2015 Spring/Summer Season made by the leading domestic as well as international footwear brands. This 4th edition of theMICAMshanghai is infact even more business-oriented witha larger International participation. The exhibitorscame from 12 different countries outside China such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Brazil, Korea, USA, etc.

Inside the 15.000 square meters exhibition space, some of these countries have a dedicated pavilion for their brands to be grouped together in order to develop a much stronger presence. The Italian Region of Campania has a dedicated area called “Made in Campania” where 26 Italian companies (all Campania based)will show the excellence of their products and their savoir-faire to all the visitors.

The participation of these outstanding brands to one of the most important Footwear Exhibitions in Asia is part of a special program supported by the Campania Region and Local Authorities with the aim of promoting the excellence of Made in Campania in the world and assist enterprises to develop more their business and increase their visibility on a National and International level.

A part from Footwear, Leather Goods and Fashion, this very ambitious project has proved to be successful also inother industries such as Automotive, Logistics, Food&Beverage, Craftmanship, Aerospace, etc.The Region of Campania is working very hard to support its local excellent expertise and the results obtained so far, are promising: in the first 8 months of 2014, 224 enterpriseshave been involvedin21 different initiatives, collectingabout 3200 trade professionals/buyers’ contacts. 7 moreevents and exhibitions are already planned for September, including indeed theMICAMshanghai.

The Footwear industry, in the Campania Region, covers a strategic role. This area has a very long tradition in leather goods manufacture and features a high concentration of tanneries. This incredible craftsmanship abilities and know-how made Campania very competitive in terms of quality, design, attention to details and flexibility to follow the fast changing fashion trends.

Mr.FulvioMartusciello, Counselor of the Campania Region’s President with a mandate for Production Activities and Economic Development thinks that: “The results we obtained so far from theMade in Campania promotion plan are very positive. Many Campania based companies had the opportunity of participating to the leading exhibitions in the world to promote the excellence of our Region. China represents one of the most important commercial partners for Italy as the high-end quality Italian products are finding great interest within Chinese consumers. Moreover, in recent yearsChina is doing particularly well, registering in 2013 a 7% GPD growth. For these reasons, enteringthe Chinese market for Italian companies means also having a big chance of developing more business opportunities, discovering new industry trends, increasing the portfolio of clients and promoting the company in a market with a very high business potential.”.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that some well-known Campania Basedbeveragebrands, are also supporting the participation of the 26 footwear and leather goods companies to theMICAMshanghai.
They’ll offer some tasting experience to all the visitor of the Institutional Campania Region’s stand during the 3 days of the exhibition as well as to the guests who attended the “Made in Campania” Press Conference on the 24th of September at SHOOK.

FERRARELLEand NATIA- BothFerrarelleand Natiamineral water springs are in Campania, near Caserta, in the green countryside of Riardo. The water comes from ancient springs of volcanic origin and during its underground passage through volcanic rocks, the water naturally becomes enriched with carbon dioxide, the pressure of which causes the water to spring naturally from the earth.
Ferrarelle Spa has made its entrance into the international market, with the aim of achieving a prominent position through the export, above all, of its naturally sparkling water. The company has gained a foothold especially in delicatessens, top hotels and restaurants, aspiring to carve out a niche for itself among a small number of selected consumers in order to keep brand perception high.

MASTROBERNARDINO - The Campania’s most renowned winery, located in the town of Atripalda, on Italy’s West coast, Mastrobernardino is a family based firm, that is universally acknowledged to be the guardian of the vinous heritage of Campania. The winery has always been focused on honing the virtues of Campania’s traditional grape varieties, such as Aglianico, Fiano, Piedirosso, Greco, Falanghina and Coda di Volpe.Mastrobernardino was established in 1750s by Pietro di Mastro Bernardino who began the future succession of 10 generations of family winemakers.

SHAKER and LIMONCELLO- Shaker began producing liqueurs on the Amalfi Coast in 1996. In the brief period since then, the company has managed to create a perfect balance between tradition and technology in the production
and marketing of liqueurs and other products made from citrus fruits and aromatic herbs.Shaker has always selected the best fruits of the earth, thoroughly respecting the pace of nature and Amalfi's old artisan traditions. Carefully chosen ingredients and a patient production process give Shaker’s products an incomparable aroma and taste.Limoncello is the typical liqueur produced exclusively with the "Sfusato Amalfitano" quality of lemon which has been awarded official recognition by the European Union as being I.G.P – authentic product of its geographical area. It is still made using the artisan processes handed down through generations of local families. A slow infusion of the “Sfusati” lemon rinds in alcohol enable to extract the Limoncello’s essence. The infusion obtained is mixed with a sugary solution and is bottled, without adding colours, preservatives or natural aromas, thus guaranteeing the product’s absolute pureness and genuineness. This liqueur is perfect served cold and is a great digestive liqueur after meals.

The Campania Regionwill welcome the public, the buyers and trade operators on the Made in Campania pavilion. They’ll show them the best quality footwear and they will let them taste some exquisite products from this beautiful and fascinating part of Italy.

Media Relations contacts: The Blenders Communications
Monica Molinari - monica.molinari@theblenders.com.cn
Rui Xu – rui.xu@theblenders.com.cn

标签:上海国际名牌鞋业皮具展    意大利坎帕尼亚区    鞋履    皮具制造工艺    时尚潮流    鞋业皮具展    
奢华私语 时尚衣橱